In addition to providing timely ambulance response and transportation to hospital we offer clinical triage and advice to nonemergency callers and offer alternatives to hospital attendance and emergency ambulance response.
The journeys undertaken cover admissions, hospital outpatient appointments, discharges and inter-hospital transfers and we seek to prioritise on the basis of clinical condition with high priority.
We liaise directly with clinical professionals in Gauteng Hospitals and beyond in an effort to ensure seamless movement of patients with specialist health needs and access to critica™l/intensive care facilities.
We are responsible for the recruitment of ambulance professionals up to and including Health and Care Professions Council registered paramedics in South Africa.
We have a defined role to play in the assessment of major events and in co-ordinating the health response to major incidents.
We seek through engagement with the public and specifically our community education programme to raise awareness of the role we play in society, ensure that our service is recognised and valued, and support and educate the public on how they can access and use the service effectively. In addition, we seek to build and maintain confidence in the ambulance service.